属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-东西方 "欢喜冤家"
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-Tainted love 堕落的爱
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-东西方 "欢喜冤家"
1 | 一万年来灵武水洞沟遗址古气候的新认识 | New Understandings on the Paleo-climatic in Ruins of Shuidonggou Since 10 KaB. P. | |
2 | 这城市成了废墟。 | The city was laid in ruins . | |
3 | 这个国家处于毁灭状态。 | The country was laid in ruins | |
4 | 这一度十分健全的经济现已崩溃。 | The once robust economy now lies in ruins . | |
5 | 这座城堡已成废墟。 | The castle is in ruins . | |
6 | 总理府已成一片瓦砾。 | The chancellery is already in ruins | |
7 | ||1:如今,希腊只是个平凡的地中海休假景点,经济也正处于萧条时期,让人很难重温这里50余年前自由的空气、美好的阳光和海阔天空的舒畅感觉。||2:当时,胆大的旅行者喜欢探索遗迹,寻找宁静的古代小镇,也喜欢在静谧的海滩上安然入眠,霑沐一身星辉。||3: 希腊诸岛格外诱人,素有人间天堂的美誉,德雷尔(Durrell)兄弟(劳伦斯Lawrence和杰拉德Gerald )的著作对此贡献最大。 ||4: 劳伦斯1945年出版的日记集《Prospero’s Cell》讲述了他在科孚岛上的生活,杰拉德1956年的《My Family and Other Animals》,则描述了自己20世纪30年代在那里度过的童年时光;该书才华横溢,与劳伦斯的书相映成趣,时至今日依然畅销。 | ||1: Given Greece’s economic woes and role as yet another Mediterranean holiday destination, it is hard to appreciate the freedom, sunlight and sense of space that it provided 50 or more years ago. ||2: Intrepid travellers would come to explore ruins and ancient villages in solitary peace, and sleep under the stars on empty sandy beaches. ||3: The islands were especially enticing, and no books contributed more to their image as a paradise than those by the Durrell brothers,Lawrence and Gerald. ||4: “Prospero’s Cell” (1945), Lawrence’s diary of life on Corfu, and “My Family and Other Animals” (1956), Gerald’s account of his experiences as a child there, are brilliant, contrasting views of life on this Greek island in the 1930s, and remain popular to this day. | |
8 | ||1:印度高产作家潘卡旭以精细、博学和有趣的文笔描绘出亚洲知识分子对西方的反应,他们的反应与一个多世纪前的人们的反应差不多。||2:他把亚洲笼统地定义为一个在爱琴海区域与欧洲接壤、在尼罗河与非洲接壤的地区。||3:据他所说,一个世纪以前,“一场不可逆转的思想非殖民化的过程”正在这一辽阔地区如火如荼地开展。||4:对米希尔先生和很多亚洲人来说,20世纪的这一主要运动其实是“亚洲人的知识和政治上的觉醒,以及亚洲各国在亚洲强国和欧洲帝国殖民统治的废墟中崛起”。||5:中国和印度都摆脱了外国列强的统治,并位于世界强国之列。||6:日本则是强盛、倒下、又再次崛起。||7:如今,二十一世纪被描绘成亚洲时代的这一说法是家喻户晓。 | ||1: As Pankaj Mishra, a prolific Indian writer, shows in this subtle, erudite and entertaining account of Asian intellectuals’ responses to the West, much the same was true over a century ago. ||2: He defines Asia broadly, as bordering with Europe at the Aegean Sea and Africa at the River Nile. ||3: A century ago, what he calls “an irreversible process of intellectual…decolonisation” was under way across this huge region. ||4: For Mr Mishra, and many Asians, the 20th century’s central events were the “intellectual and political awakening of Asia and its emergence from the ruins of both Asian and European empires”. ||5: China and India have shaken off foreign predators and become global powers. ||6: Japan has risen, fallen and risen again. ||7: It is commonplace to describe the current century as Asia’s. | |
9 | 读这本书,并不会让人感觉轻松,或是得到某种安慰。读者会感觉很同情伽林。伽林真苦,他都厌食症了,不想吃东西,自怨自艾,消沉。但是他时不时地表现出自私的模样,逃避现实,很讨厌。受害者最终会变成攻击者,生活既然已经腐蚀了,那索性就腐烂到底吧,管它什么玩意的救赎。对于这一理论,伽林演绎的是有血有肉。 | This is not a relaxing or consoling book. The reader feels some sympathy for Galen, whose suffering turns him into a bulimic and self-hating depressive. But he is also unremittingly selfish, deluded and abhorrent. He gives flesh to the notion that the victim eventually becomes the aggressor; that life taints and ruins, rather than redeems. | |
10 | 今天,当年腾出来的地块形成了新的商业区,一座座时髦的高塔如雨后春笋般从老厂房的废墟上拔地而起。 | Mr Piramal cut staff and moved out. Today the land he freed forms a new business district, where snazzy towers sprout from the ruins of old factories. | |
11 | 源自帝国的废墟: 反抗西方,亚洲崛起。Pankaj Mishra著。 | From the Ruins of Empire: The Revolt Against the West and the Remaking of Asia. By Pankaj Mishra. | |
12 | 50年代的朝鲜战争,杀死了两百多万朝鲜平民,把许多城市夷为废墟。 | The last Korean War, in the 1950’s, killed over two million Korean civilians and left the nation’s cities in ruins . | |
13 | 暴风雨过后,整个城市成为一片废墟。 | After the storm, the whole city lies in ruins . | |
14 | 不过,这种不明智的选择,不但让国家迫使银行债券持有人背负损失的能力大打折扣,也会将公共财政逼到崩塌的境地。 | That has limited the state’s ability to force losses on the banks’ bondholders and left the public finances in ruins . | |
15 | 长城拥有2000多年的历史,许多古长城段已十分破落,有些甚至完全消失了。 | With a history of more than 2000 years, some of the sections of the Great Wall are now in ruins or even entirely disappeared. | |
16 | 当年轻的亨利从海军回来,加入他祖父的那个公司时,那公司已是一个烂摊子。 | When young Henry came out of the Navy to join his grandfather’s company, it was in ruins . | |
17 | 到十九世纪三十年代,棉花种植主认为,如果没有奴隶,那么南方整个经济将会崩溃。 | By the eighteen thirties, cotton planters believed that without slavery, the whole economic system of the south would lie in ruins . | |
18 | 地震毁坏了首都太子港,使该国原本脆弱的基本设施成为一片废墟瓦砾。 | The quake devastated Port-au-Prince and left swathes of the country’s fragile infrastructure in ruins . | |
19 | 地震使得唐山这座城市成了一片废墟。 | e. g. The earthquake left the city of Tangshan in ruins . | |
20 | 第二次世界大战使得超过60座的日本大城市变为废墟,一千万人无家可归,估计大约有50万平民丧生。 | World War II left more than 60 major Japanese cities in ruins , left 10 million homeless and killed an estimated half million civilians. | |
21 | 二战末期,纳粹德国和苏联红军间惨烈城市争夺战,使科沃布热格沦为一片废墟。 | The titanic battle between Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union’s Red Army for the city at the end of World War II left the city in ruins . | |
22 | 刚果的基础设施和机构与其说处于废墟状态,不如说根本不存在。 | Its infrastructure and institutions are not so much in ruins as non-existent. | |
23 | 港口所有设施,被震塌的建筑物,在狂涛的洗劫下,被席卷一空,海滩上一片狼藉。 | All port facilities, collapsed buildings, the looting of the Kuang Tao, and be swept an empty beach in ruins . | |
24 | 公元前480年,锐不可挡的波斯帝国大军攻克雅典,雅典夷为废墟。 | In 480 BC, Athens lay in ruins conquered by the seemingly unstoppable Persian Empire. | |
25 | 宫殿。圣·彼得堡几乎成了一片废墟:到处都是火。 | Palaces as they left. St Petersburg was almost in ruins : fires burned every. | |
26 | 后来商朝灭亡了,这里变成了一片废墟。 | After the fall of Shang, it ended up in ruins . | |
27 | 仅仅14个月后,发生在莫斯科的一场未遂政变使苏联分崩离析。 | Barely 14 months later, a failed putsch in Moscow left the Soviet Union in ruins . | |
28 | 仅注重修补金融业而导致公共财政奔溃将会是一项愚蠢的做法。 | It would be foolish to focus on fixing the financial industry only to find that the public finances are left in ruins . | |
29 | 经历了金氏父子60多年的灾难性统治,北朝鲜已是一片废墟,完全依赖国外援助。 | After six decades of disastrous rule by Kim and his father, their country is in ruins , utterly dependent on foreign assistance. | |
30 | 那个建立在七十年代晚期文化大革命失败的废墟上的中国经济已成为有史以来发展最快的了。 | China’s economy, which lay in ruins in the late 1970s after the failed Cultural Revolution, has developed faster than any in history. |